Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blond Moment

Question: Hi, my wife tried to use a credit card online by inserting it into the floppy port of our PC. I have tried to fish it out but looks like it will have to come apart to retrieve the card. Is that a easy task to do? Thanks

Everyone has a blond moment from time to time or lapses in judgement, but this one may be a prize winner. When I first read the question, posted on a computer help forum, I thought it was surely a joke. Could an adult person really be this, excuse me for saying, dumb?! The poster assured us the question to be reality and seriously was requesting an answer. Some of the comments were more comical than the question. One poster noted " You must use the correct pin number, others wise it won't work." And my personal favorite, "I hope she's at least hot." Ditto.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cow Farts Collected in Plastic Tank for Global Warming Study

This is the real title of the article. I didn't make it up, honest. Apparently cows fart methane. And methane, which is also released from land fills and coal mines, is bad for the atmosphere. These heifers are possibly causing a global warming epidemic! They cause 30% of green house emissions. Who knew?! So scientists are collecting their fart emissions (seriously) and studying it to see if a change in diet would help. So the question is, Where's the beef?! (Sorry I couldn't resist)