Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I just heard about this great thing called bloggy carnival. I wanted to get in on the act. Of course I"ll have to start small but small is better than nothing I guess. I'm giving away one coupon good for a free 20oz Coke Zero.

To enter the drawing:
* Leave a comment telling me about something weird
* Deadline August 1
* The winner will be posted in the blog
* Valid email address required
* U.S. only

For more contests, visit my other blog at: Lupus Lady-Nia
And the Winner is: DesigningWoman! Thanks to all for entering. Hope to see you back soon.


Taylor said...

something weird that i know - the only bones that are not connected with joints are in your ear.... i thing there are 7 floating bones in there!

cool, eh?!

thanks for the great giveaway, please count me in!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

Something weird? Hmmm..... I love mixing ranch dressing and salsa and putting it on my baked potato. I'm a weird eater. :)

A Family Completed... said...

Hummingbirds can't walk, lol that's wierd

Jennifer said...

You know? I can spout off weird facts all day long, until you asked me for one. Now I am drawing a blank.

I cheated and did a google search for this one - Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!

SmilingSally said...

I'll give you my weird recipe for a summer drink!
About one inch of Ocean Spray Cranberry Light in a glass with a can of diet Sprite. Yum!

bevsclark said...

You can't rhyme anything with the word orange.

Ta Da!

Anonymous said...

Weird....I saw a dog on tv the other night with 6 legs

Joy said...

Here's one: a polar bear's skin is BLACK!!!

Mmmm... so thirsty!

Anonymous said...

The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.

or is that just GROSS?

so here is weird.
Women blink twice as much as men.
so why do we see everything?

Re said...

ahh here's something weird. Can you lick your elbows? Go ahead, try it. Not many people can :)

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

Carol said...

I'm trying to think, but reading through the comments about eating spiders at night has kinda messed me up. eeeewwww. a guy that works with my dh eats raw onions (like an apple), that's weird.


Thanks for a chance, haven't tried this soda yet.

lisaray said...

Well, it might not be weird, but I at least think it's strange that my husband, who grew up in the corn belt, loves corn, but won't eat grits, which are made of - you guessed it - corn!

Designingwoman said...

I am deathly allergic to pecans but I can eat walnuts until the cows come home! One of my favorite dishes is a pasta dish with sauteed bread crumbs and walnuts on top of a marinara sauce! Weird but true ;-)


louiseb130 said...

I'm 57 and my grandfather (not great-grandfather) was born the year after the Civil War ended. My father was the second to last of his children, and I'm the second to last of my father's, so we're an old family!

Lisa said...

Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

you eat 7 spiders in your sleep in a life time

rkuperberg said...

I do not eat any food with lines on it such as waffles or penne pasta

Fangirl Jen said...

Both of my cats play fetch.

Unknown said...

Weird? A friend of mine puts peanutbutter on her hotdogs!

Anonymous said...

World wide weird:

The European Union allows fruits and vegetables to be sold only in prescribed sizes and colors (such as its 35 pages of regulations governing 250 varieties of the apple, or rules that cucumbers must be straight and bananas curved). In June, British marketer Tim Down complained that he was forced to discard 5,000 kiwi fruit because they were 1 millimeter in diameter too small and one-fourth ounce too light. (It is illegal even to give them away, as that would undermine the market price.) "Improvements" in the EU system continue, according to a July Washington Post dispatch from Brussels: Despite 10 pages of standards on the onion and 19 amendments, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture recently issued a report urging further refinements, using 29 pages and 43 photographs. [Washington Post, 7-8-08; Daily Mail}

Weirdness at home:

My husband is allergic to the entire onion family (including the smell of blooming sage), pine trees, and most fruits.

I affectionately call him "my bubble boy".

Thanks for the giveaway.


agordon10 said...

My sister-in-law can read people's auras.

pbrint said...

something weird is my dog eats the cucumber peeling when I peel a cucumber.

Snowpuff said...

The house next door is supposed to be haunted by the mean woman who lived there for 30 years. Well, strange things do seem to happen there, but I'm not sure I believe the haunting stories.

Anonymous said...

Something weird? Hmmm...okay, did you know that some tomatoes that are bioengineered are being crossed with fish genes for enhancement? Watch out vegetarians!

Anonymous said...

I think it's weird that people still leave their cars running -in the heat of the summer- when gas is over $4 a gallon :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


kygirl said...

I think some people are weird.

arvard said...

You have some interesting posts here. I would like to have my aura read and I don't think I have ever eaten a spider. I guess what is weird about me is that I really enjoy doing abstract paintings and I understand them.

Suzie Williams said...

My 2 year old is ALWAYS smelling her feet! Half the time I catch her by herself she's doing that. If that ain't weird, I don't know what is.

SeahorseLady said...

I'm addicted to Coke Zero! Did you know that some species of kangaroo can produce two different types of milk at the same time from adjacent teats to feed both younger and older offspring. Practical but weird.

Tammy said...

The African Elephant is pregnant for almost 2 years with her baby -- I don't know if that's weird, but I don't think it would be fun!

Kyle and Melissa said...

I love coke zero, Something weird is that my rabbit won't eat anything but nature valley granola bars.

janetfaye said...

A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

inthesticks said...

Yesterday, I pulled a long snotty booger from my nose. It measured 3-1/2 inches! At first I thought if might have been some sort of tapeworm...but no, just a big snotty booger. Gross, huh?

Oh, and thanks for the coupon giveaway.

vboackle said...

your feet are the lenghth of your forearm.

Michele said...

Something weird is the made-up language my family has for lots of things. For example, for sleep, tired, or going to bed we say, "bop." Not sure why it started, but it's been around in my family since my sister and I were toddlers!!

Thanks so much!!


suzie said...

Something weird: just last night we were having breaded mushrooms with dinner and my daughter was dipping them in Ranch dressing. Yuck! Thanks for the contest.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm something weird? Pigs cant look up at the sky, its impossible!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

Hursty44 said...

Something Weird: I love cooking up some Cheese Ravioli and cutting up a whole raw onion and throwing them on a slice of bread and making a sandwich out of it


I can roll up my tongue & whistle through it!

carissaad said...

People in general are weird. :)

Thanks for the giveaway.

carissaad at aol dot com

Sunnyvale said...

Old women who wear way too much makeup!

chromiumman said...

the government is allowed to take money out of everyone's paycheck - i find it weird that i'm the only one that finds that weird

sassy2 said...

if you put menthos in a bottle of coke it squirts up.

Anonymous said...

Some of the creatures in the ocean are weird. The colors, the many legs, an octopus has a beak. The ocean is a wonderfully, weird, place.

silverbele said...

I saw a medium once.

tatertot374 said...

Something weird is my Dorito addiction. I love eating the ranch doritos with cheese dip.. yummy. Thank you for having this!

AudreyO said...

My daughter is the only person I know who can't curl/roll her tongue. Everyone says that is weird.

llinda29 said...

something weird that i know is my dog eats carrots

Karen said...

I like to eat my Tuna Fish mixed with only mustard and crackers;)

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Fae said...

me! i'm weird. *laugh* i love your blog!

Unknown said...

I eat mayonnaise and peanut butter sandwiches. Yum. My Dad taught me to love them!

Thanks for your generosity!

KJ - California

masonsgranny59 said...

im weird! I have cystinuria!

Tiffany G said...

Great Giveaway:)

Belinda said...

Pepsi products makes me sick as do most store branded colas. I can drink cokes though. How's that for weird?
1bmore @ gmail . com

Jenn said...

Cold Pepsi in a can makes my head itch. Right over both ears. Sometimes, deep within my ears. Yet I still love it.

annemarie562000 said...

Dolphins sleep with one eye open!


ssmina said...

my hubby is weird but I love him anyway...

mrstrooper said...

A cow has only one stomach but the stomach has four compartments...WEIRD?

alegnahas3 said...

I REALLY love the Set of 3 Pastel Colored Baby Chicks! They are soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

I was attacked by a bird the day before I got married at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. It divebombed my hair and escaped with a chunk of it. I guess it was building a nest or something. That hurt! My hair was about midway down my back at that time.

sillelin said...

Some people have arachibutyrophobia, which is the fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of the mouth.

Ingrid said...

The weirdest thing I've ever seen is ketchup on grits!

mogrill said...

Did you know it is impossible to drink an entire gallon of milk!

Donna said...

Nancy Pelosi actually turned the light off in the House today when the Republicans wanted to discuss a bill. Yikes!

Jinxy and Me said...

Odd fact: Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better. Thanks for the giveaway!

theolotto said...

here's an odd fact- thomas edison was afraid of the dark.

billwinsbig said...

Hookers in Italy cannot be named "Mary"

Tim Sternberg said...

Something weird that I know the only bones that are not connected with joints are in your ear.